Debating the Truth with Others

I have written about the One True God, and have mentioned that God alone is the LORD and that Jesus is the Son of God and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, because that is what is written in the Holy Bible/Scripture. It is not me just airing my opinions on God, but my doing what God calls us to do as the disciples of Jesus, and teaching others the Truth. It is up to those who read what I wrote or hear what I say verbally from Scripture whether or not to believe and accept the Truth.

I will not alter the Truth to make everyone happy. It is my responsibility to teach the Truth as it is written in Scripture, not to please people or tell then what they want to hear. I will do my best to be kind and gentle, and will be respectful.

It frustrates me when people decide to argue about God/Jesus/the Holy Bible and accuse me of lying or offending them when I am only speaking the Truth. I do not have the authority to change facts or tailor the Truth depending what each person or group of people believes. Nor do I speak on my own authority, but what the Holy Spirit guides me to speak, or write.

Deuteronomy 6:4 says that God alone (I put emphasis on the word “alone”) is the LORD. Exodus 20:2-6 warns us to not worship other gods because He is the LORD, and is a jealous God. But lavishes His “unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love Me and obey My commands.

Getting angry with me or being offended makes no sense when I do not speak on my own authority, but speak the Truth. If anyone is angry that there is only 1 true God, take it to Him in prayer! Do not accuse me of lying or try to make me feel guilty for offending you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, because God gave us free will, but it is not okay to call me a liar or tell me that I’m offending them when I speak God’s Words and not my own.

Believe the Truth or deny it and believe whatever you choose to believe, but if you choose to not believe the Truth, do not make me out to be the bad guy or evil or a liar. It is a matter of respect. I respect that everyone has free will and will ultimately believe what they want to, but as a follower and disciple of Jesus, it is my responsibility to make sure others hear or read the Truth so they have all the facts to decide to keep believing what they did already, or to accept the Truth about God and Jesus and Scripture.

Anyone who does not believe the Bible or the Truth has the option not to read what I write, and also has the option to not talk about God or Jesus religions (such as Hinduism) with me. I do not like debating it because I do not have the “proof” people ask me for. It is written in Scripture that God is an invisible God, so there is no tangible evidence. The evidence of God’s existence is in the sun, moon, stars, trees and other plants and flowers, animals, and all of us human beings. God created it (and US) all. That is your “proof” that He exists. But once again, it is your choice whether to believe the Truth or not.

I pray in the name of Jesus that God open the minds, eyes, ears, and hearts of those who do not believe or accept (or know) the Truth, and bless those who do believe it and do their best to be a good disciple of Jesus by preaching and teaching the Truth to others.

I do not aim to offend anyone. I merely speak the Truth and hope those who read or hear it will believe and be saved. My deepest desire is for everyone to be saved and make it to Heaven for all eternity with God, Jesus, and those before us like Abraham, Moses, Joseph and Mar (and too many others to list) who will be spending eternity in Heaven with God the Father and Jesus the Son. If I have upset or offended anyone, forgive me. But I will keep writing and talking about the Truth and will do my best not to be harsh, but to be kind and gentle when I can be.

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